Forensic Genetics
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Forensic Genetics
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Productos de Forensic Genetics

ForenSeq mtDNA Control Region Kit
Convenient and efficient library prep for interrogating the control region of the mitochondrial genome with minimal DNA input and optimum sensitivity.
Forensic Genetics
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

ForenSeq mtDNA Whole Genome Kit
Convenient and cost-effective library prep for sequencing the whole mitochondrial genome with minimal DNA input and exceptional data recovery.
Forensic Genetics
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

SRSLY NGS Library Prep Kit
Introduction The SRSLY NGS Library Prep Kit from ClaretBio offers an efficient and simplified solution for library preparation using a technology based on single-stranded DNA through a ligation method. Unlike traditional library preparations, which are based on double-stranded DNA, SRSLY kits allow the entire DNA of the initial sample to be transformed into a sequenceable…
Claret Bioscience
Forensic Genetics
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Verogen PrepStation
Robot for the generation of high-quality ForenSeq libraries, minimising errors and hands-on time. Ahorra recursos y minimiza los errores humanos con la PrepStation de Verogen. Esta plataforma, diseñada y validada Free up resources and minimise human error with the Verogen PrepStation. Designed and validated specifically for semi-automated MPS (Massive Parallel Sequencing) library preparation with ForenSeq…
Forensic Genetics
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)